
In version 3 the colors must be added manually, this decision was made to reduce the size of the final file, colors will be available only if you plan to use them in your project.

Add to your project

The files needed to include colors are available by downloading Shido via npm or yarn so you can add them in your build process. Also, If you have installed Shido via CDN, you can also include colors via CDN.

Only color classes and color variables will be included.


If you're install via npm or yarn and using postcss-import or a tool that uses it such as Webpack or Gulp, you can use @import to add it directly to your build process.

@import  "~shido/src/less/shido-colors";


@import  "~shido/src/sass/shido-colors";



<link href="^3.0.8/dist/css/shido-colors.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


<link href="^3.0.8/dist/css/shido-colors.min.css" rel="stylesheet">