How it works

All details about the inside of Shido will be documented in this section.


  • Developed with: Less and Sass
  • Number of columns: 12
  • Column padding: 10px on each side of a column
  • Offsets: Yes
  • Column ordering: No
  • Default font size: 16px
  • Safe area: 1366px


The breakpoints apply for devices with screen widths greater than or equal to the defined breakpoints, invalidating the breakpoints for smaller devices. For example using columns, any class .m:scol-* will work on medium, large and extra large devices if a class .l:scol-* or .xl:scol-* is not present.


≥ 0px


≥ 600px


≥ 768px


≥ 1024px


≥ 1366px

It is important to note that the breakpoint x is applied by default in some cases such as columns and fonts.


If you are using a class .s:scol-4 and there is no class .x:scol-* automatically the breakpont by default it will be .x:scol-12, if this is what you want then it is not necessary to declare a class .x:scol-12

<div classs="line">
  <div class="s:scol-4">4</div>
  <div class="s:scol-4">4</div>
  <div class="s:scol-4">4</div>



If you are using a class .s:fs-24 and there is no class .x:fs-* automatically the breakpont by default it will be .x:fs-16, if this is what you want then it is not necessary to declare the class .x:fs-16

<p class="s:fs-24 x:center">Responsive fonts!</p>


Responsive fonts!


The following set of variables configures the parameters necessary for the correct functioning of the grid, I don't recommend overwriting variables unless you are sure of what you are doing. If you want to customize your Shido installation I recommend doing it as follows:


Breakpoint variables will help you define special behaviors within media queries depending on your needs. I don't recommend overwriting them for any reason unless you are sure of what you are doing.

@x-screen-min:  0px;
@s-screen-min:  600px;
@m-screen-min:  768px;
@l-screen-min:  1024px;
@xl-screen-min: 1366px;

@x-screen-max:  599px;
@s-screen-max:  767px;
@m-screen-max:  1023px;
@l-screen-max:  1365px;


$x-screen-min:  0px;
$s-screen-min:  600px;
$m-screen-min:  768px;
$l-screen-min:  1024px;
$xl-screen-min: 1366px;

$x-screen-max:  599px;
$s-screen-max:  767px;
$m-screen-max:  1023px;
$l-screen-max:  1365px;


With breakpoint variables you can set media queries to give specific behaviors.

@media (max-width: @m-screen-max) { ... }
@media (min-width: @l-screen-min) { ... }


@media (max-width: $m-screen-max) { ... }
@media (min-width: $l-screen-min) { ... }


All variables

With the exception of breakpoints, all variables begin with the prefix s- to avoid problems with the variables of your project.

// Grid
@s-scontainer:          1366px;
@s-columns:             12;
@s-grid:                100/@s-columns;
@s-column-padding:      10px;
@s-scontainer-padding:  10px;

// Layout
@s-body-background-color: #fff;
@s-body-font-color:       #000;
@s-headings-font-color:   #000;
@s-body-font-family:      -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Source Sans Pro", Oxygen, sans-serif;
@s-headings-font-family:  -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Source Sans Pro", Oxygen, sans-serif;
@s-main-link-color:       #2196F3;
@s-main-link-color-hover: #1565C0;

// Fonts
@s-increment-font: 2;
@s-min-font-size:  10;
@s-max-font-size:  60;

// Marging & Padding
@s-increment-mp:  5;
@s-max-margin:    80;
@s-max-padding:   80;

// Font weight
@s-font-weight-thin:        100;
@s-font-weight-light:       300;
@s-font-weight-regular:     400;
@s-font-weight-medium:      500;
@s-font-weight-semi-bold:   600;
@s-font-weight-bold:        700;
@s-font-weight-extra-bold:  800;
@s-font-weight-black:       900;


// Grid
$s-scontainer:          1366px;
$s-columns:             12;
$s-grid:                100/$s-columns;
$s-column-padding:      10px;
$s-scontainer-padding:  10px;

// Layout
$s-body-background-color: #fff;
$s-body-font-color:       #000;
$s-headings-font-color:   #000;
$s-body-font-family:      -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Source Sans Pro", Oxygen, sans-serif;
$s-headings-font-family:  -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Source Sans Pro", Oxygen, sans-serif;
$s-main-link-color:       #2196F3;
$s-main-link-color-hover: #1565C0;

// Fonts
$s-increment-font: 2;
$s-min-font-size:  10;
$s-max-font-size:  60;

// Marging & Padding
$s-increment-mp:  5;
$s-max-margin:    80;
$s-max-padding:   80;

// Font weight
$s-font-weight-thin:        100;
$s-font-weight-light:       300;
$s-font-weight-regular:     400;
$s-font-weight-medium:      500;
$s-font-weight-semi-bold:   600;
$s-font-weight-bold:        700;
$s-font-weight-extra-bold:  800;
$s-font-weight-black:       900;