
You can check the full list of available breakpoints here.

Horizontal aligment

  • *:center
  • *:left
  • *:right
  • *:justify

<div class="line">
  <div class="x:scol-4">
    <p class="x:left">Left</p>
  <div class="x:scol-4">
    <p class="x:center">Center</p>
  <div class="x:scol-4">
    <p class="x:right">Right</p>





A little trick when using horizontal alignment on columns is that they are of the inline-block type so you can quickly align columns without using offset classes, but remember that alignment will be inherited unless there is a class stating otherwise. Use this trick only if you understand it well.

<div class="line x:center">
  <div class="x:scol-6">
    <p>This column is centered</p>

<div class="line x:center">
  <div class="x:scol-6">
    <p class="x:left">This column is centered but its content is aligned to the left</p>


This column is centered

This column is centered but its content is aligned to the left

Vertical aligment

  • *:baseline
  • *:bottom
  • *:middle
  • *:top

Vertical alignment is intended to be used in columns, but can also be used in any inline-block type element.

scol and scol-fit columns are vertically centered by default, so there is no need to declare the .x:middle class unless you want to change their alignment.

<div class="line">
  <div class="x:scol-4">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4">...</div>


You can align to the top.

<div class="line">
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:top">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:top">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:top">...</div>


You can align to the bottom.

<div class="line">
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:bottom">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:bottom">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:bottom">...</div>


Or you can combine them too.

<div class="line">
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:bottom">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:bottom">...</div>
  <div class="x:scol-4 x:top">...</div>